Un par de muy buenos ejemplos prácticos del turco Cetin Basoz de como se puede mostrar y desplazarse por imágenes en un formulario.
Estos dos ejemplos surgieron como respuesta de Cetin a una pregunta en el foro de Foxite.com y me parecieron muy buenos por su simpleza.
Ejemplo UNO
* Author: Cetin Basoz (Turkey) SET SAFETY OFF PUBLIC oForm oForm = CREATEOBJECT("MyForm") oForm.SHOW() DEFINE CLASS myForm AS FORM HEIGHT = 600 WIDTH = 800 ADD OBJECT myGrid AS GRID WITH ; HEIGHT = 600, WIDTH = 800, ANCHOR = 15 PROCEDURE LOAD CREATE CURSOR images (imageName c(100), img w) LOCAL ix, lcFile, lcDirImg lcDirImg = "C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\Samples\Data\Graphics" FOR ix = 1 TO ADIR(laImages, ADDBS(lcDirImg) + "*.*") lcFile = ADDBS(lcDirImg) + laImages[m.ix,1] INSERT INTO images VALUES (m.lcFile, FILETOSTR(m.lcFile)) ENDFOR LOCATE ENDPROC PROCEDURE INIT THIS.myGrid.ROWHEIGHT = 64 WITH THIS.myGrid.COLUMNS(2) .ADDOBJECT( "myImage", "imageControl" ) .CURRENTCONTROL = "myImage" .SPARSE = .F. .myImage.STRETCH = 1 .myImage.VISIBLE = .T. .WIDTH = 64 .DYNAMICFONTBOLD = "(thisform.SetImage(this.columns(2).myImage, images.img))" ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE SetImage(toControl, tcBlob) toControl.PICTUREVAL = m.tcBlob ENDPROC PROCEDURE myGrid.BEFOREROWCOLCHANGE(tnIndex) THISFORM.LOCKSCREEN = .T. ENDPROC PROCEDURE myGrid.AFTERROWCOLCHANGE(tnIndex) THISFORM.LOCKSCREEN = .F. ENDPROC ENDDEFINE DEFINE CLASS imagecontrol AS IMAGE HEIGHT = 17 WIDTH = 100 NAME = "imagecontrol" PROCEDURE pictureval_assign LPARAMETERS vNewVal IF VAL(OS(3)) < 6 THIS.PICTUREVAL = m.vNewVal ELSE THIS.PICTURE = "" IF EMPTY(THIS.TAG) THIS.TAG = FORCEPATH(SYS(2015) + ".pic", SYS(2023)) ENDIF STRTOFILE(m.vNewVal, THIS.TAG) THIS.PICTURE = THIS.TAG ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE DESTROY THIS.PICTURE = "" IF !EMPTY(THIS.TAG) TRY ERASE (THIS.TAG) ENDTRY ENDIF ENDPROC ENDDEFINE
Ejemplo DOS
* Author: Cetin Basoz (Turkey) PUBLIC oForm oForm = CREATEOBJECT("form1") oForm.SHOW() DEFINE CLASS form1 AS FORM TOP = 0 LEFT = 0 HEIGHT = 480 WIDTH = 750 CAPTION = "HTML sample" * This is IE control - you'd use webbrowser4 from gallery instead * just because it already has some checks, extra pem. ie: wouldn't need readystate part * for the sake of keeping code short here I directly use olecontrol itself ADD OBJECT htmlviewer AS OLECONTROL WITH ; TOP = 0, LEFT = 0, HEIGHT = 400, WIDTH = 750, ; OLECLASS = "Shell.Explorer" ADD OBJECT text1 AS TEXTBOX WITH ; HEIGHT = 25, LEFT = 12, TOP = 432, WIDTH = 60, ; NAME = "Text1" ADD OBJECT text2 AS TEXTBOX WITH ; HEIGHT = 23, LEFT = 84, TOP = 432, WIDTH = 300, ; NAME = "Text2" ADD OBJECT text3 AS TEXTBOX WITH ; HEIGHT = 23, LEFT = 390, TOP = 432, WIDTH = 125, ; NAME = "Text3" ADD OBJECT text4 AS TEXTBOX WITH ; HEIGHT = 23, LEFT = 520, TOP = 432, WIDTH = 125, ; NAME = "Text4" PROCEDURE INIT LOCAL lnImages, lnPerrow, lnCurrent, lcDirImg lcDirImg = "C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\Samples\Data\Graphics" lnImages = ADIR(arrImages,ADDBS(lcDirImg) + "*.*") *You'd use a table let's simulate it CREATE CURSOR myImages (ImagePath m,FirstName c(12), LastName c(12)) FOR ix=1 TO lnImages INSERT INTO myImages VALUES ; (ADDBS(lcDirImg) + arrImages[m.ix,1],"FirstName"+TRANS(ix),"LastName"+TRANS(m.ix)) ENDFOR *Now we have a test table - create HTML lnPerRow = 2 && How many would we show on a line lnCurrent = 0 && Do not use recno() thinking it might be ordered on an index SET TEXTMERGE ON SET TEXTMERGE TO MEMVAR lcHtml NOSHOW * Initialize lcHTML \ SELECT myImages SCAN lnCurrent = lnCurrent+1 IF (lnCurrent-1)%lnPerRow=0 IF lnCurrent > 1 \ ENDIF \ ENDIF \<A href="<< trans(recno())>>_TEXT"> \ << JustStem(ImagePath)>></A> \<A href="<< trans(recno())>>"> \ <img border="0" height="60" width="80" src="<< trim(chrtran(ImagePath,'\','/'))>>"></A> ENDSCAN \ \ SET TEXTMERGE TO SET TEXTMERGE OFF *!* Modify Command (this.HTMLFile) && If you ever wonder created HTML WITH THISFORM.htmlviewer .Navigate2('about:blank') DO WHILE .ReadyState # 4 && Wait for ready state ENDDO .DOCUMENT.WRITE( m.lcHTML ) ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE htmlviewer.BeforeNavigate2 *** ActiveX Control Event *** LPARAMETERS pdisp, url, FLAGS, targetframename, postdata, headers, CANCEL CANCEL = .T. && do not navigate to anywhere WITH THISFORM && with webbrowser4 also this.oHost is the form itself or container LOCAL lcRecNo lcRecNo = STRTRAN(LOWER(m.url), "about:","") .text1.VALUE = m.lcRecNo lnRecno = STREXTRACT(m.lcRecNo, "", "_TEXT", 1, 1+2) GO VAL(m.lcRecNo) IN "myImages" IF (ATC("_TEXT", m.lcRecNo) > 0) .text2.VALUE = "TextCLICK" + myImages.ImagePath ELSE .text2.VALUE = myImages.ImagePath ENDIF .text3.VALUE = myImages.FirstName .text4.VALUE = myImages.LastName ENDWITH ENDPROC ENDDEFINE
Fuente: Foxite Forum (http://www.foxite.com/forum)
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