17 de agosto de 2007

MySQL Client-Server Applications with Visual FoxPro

Nuevo libro de Whil Hentzen sobre como desarrollar aplicaciones Cliente-Servidor con VFP y MySql, logrando una combinación poderosa y económica.

Este libro también trata sobre como instalar, configurar y conectar MySql y Visual FoxPro.

Titulo: MySQL Client-Server Applications with Visual FoxPro
Autor: Whil Hentzen
Editado por: Ted Roche
Lenguaje: Inglés
ISBN: 1-930919-70-0
Páginas: 414
Precio: U$S 49.95 (impreso) U$S 29.95 (formato PDF de 8 MB.)
Fecha de publicación: Agosto de 2007


Chapter 1: Why Client-Server? Why VFP? Why MySQL?
Chapter 2: Development and Deployment Scenarios
Chapter 3: Installing MySQL on Windows
Chapter 4: Installing MySQL on Linux
Chapter 5: Configuration of Users and Hosts
Chapter 6: Connecting VFP to MySQL
Chapter 7: Configuring MySQL
Chapter 8: The Interactive Use of MySQL
Chapter 9: Under the Hood: Where MySQL Keeps Its Data
Chapter 10: Creating Data Sets from Scratch
Chapter 11: Populating a MySQL Database: LOAD DATA INFILE
Chapter 12: Populating a MySQL Database Programmatically
Chapter 13: Advanced Data Issues
Chapter 14: Constructing SQL to Avoice SQL Injection
Chapter 15: Religious Wars: Remote Views, CursorAdapters, and SQL PassThrough
Chapter 16: A Client-Server State of Mind
Chapter 17: xBase to SQL Conversion Issues
Chapter 18: A Client-Server User Interface for Querying
Chapter 19: A Client-Server User Interface for Add/Edit/Delete
Chapter 20: Relational Integrity
Chapter 21: Getting Started with Stored Procedures
Chapter 22: Deployment

Mas información: http://www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/mysqlvfp.htm

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