La propiedad que se debe establecer hacia el arreglo que contenga las coordenadas es PolyPoints.
A continuación un Ejemplo de como usar esta nueva propiedad:
Public oFrm_Shape oFrm_Shape=Newobject("frm_shape") oFrm_Shape.Show Return Define Class frm_shape As Form DataSession = 2 Top = 0 Left = 0 Height = 354 Width = 592 DoCreate = .T. Caption = "Creando Shapes Complejos" Name = "frm_shape" Dimension apuntos[1] Add Object shape1 As Shape With ; Top = 19, ; Left = 260, ; Height = 314, ; Width = 319, ; BackStyle = 1, ; BorderWidth = 3, ; BackColor = Rgb(0,128,255), ; BorderColor = Rgb(255,255,255), ; Name = "Shape1" Add Object spinner1 As Spinner With ; Height = 24, ; KeyboardHighValue = 50, ; KeyboardLowValue = 1, ; Left = 137, ; SpinnerHighValue = 50.00, ; SpinnerLowValue = 1.00, ; Top = 24, ; Width = 117, ; Value = 1, ; NullDisplay = "0", ; Name = "Spinner1" Add Object grid1 As Grid With ; ColumnCount = 3, ; FontSize = 8, ; DeleteMark = .F., ; Height = 284, ; Left = 3, ; Panel = 1, ; RecordSource = "cPuntos", ; RowHeight = 17, ; ScrollBars = 2, ; Top = 51, ; Width = 252, ; Name = "Grid1", ; Column1.FontSize = 8, ; Column1.ControlSource = "Recno()", ; Column1.Width = 94, ; Column1.Name = "Column1", ; Column2.FontSize = 8, ; Column2.ControlSource = "cPuntos.nPosX", ; Column2.Width = 53, ; Column2.Name = "Column2", ; Column3.FontSize = 8, ; Column3.ControlSource = "cPuntos.NPosY", ; Column3.Width = 55, ; Column3.Name = "Column3" Procedure odibujar Local nValor, nReg nReg=Recno("cPuntos") Select Count(nPosx) As Conteo From cPuntos Where !Deleted() Into Cursor cC nValor = cC.Conteo Use In Select('cC') Select cPuntos Copy To Array apuntos For !Deleted('cPuntos') Acopy(apuntos,Thisform.apuntos) Thisform.shape1.Polypoints=[thisform.apuntos] Go (nReg) In cPuntos Endproc Procedure Load Create Cursor cPuntos (nPosx N(3,0),nPosY N(3,0)) Set Deleted On Endproc Procedure Init With This.grid1 .Column1.header1.Caption = [Posición] .Column2.header1.Caption = [X] .Column3.header1.Caption = [Y] .SetAll([alignment],2,[Header]) Endwith This.spinner1.Value = 19 Local apuntos Dimension apuntos[19,2] Select cPuntos apuntos[1,1] = 5 apuntos[1,2] = 4 apuntos[2,1] = 24 apuntos[2,2] = 4 apuntos[3,1] = 24 apuntos[3,2] = 23 apuntos[4,1] = 11 apuntos[4,2] = 23 apuntos[5,1] = 11 apuntos[5,2] = 46 apuntos[6,1] = 5 apuntos[6,2] = 46 apuntos[7,1] = 5 apuntos[7,2] = 4 apuntos[8,1] = 37 apuntos[8,2] = 4 apuntos[9,1] = 37 apuntos[9,2] = 13 apuntos[10,1] = 29 apuntos[10,2] = 13 apuntos[11,1] = 29 apuntos[11,2] = 26 apuntos[12,1] = 37 apuntos[12,2] = 26 apuntos[13,1] = 37 apuntos[13,2] = 35 apuntos[14,1] = 30 apuntos[14,2] = 35 apuntos[15,1] = 30 apuntos[15,2] = 46 apuntos[16,1] = 20 apuntos[16,2] = 46 apuntos[17,1] = 20 apuntos[17,2] = 23 apuntos[18,1] = 24 apuntos[18,2] = 23 apuntos[19,1] = 24 apuntos[19,2] = 4 Append From Array apuntos Thisform.odibujar() Endproc Procedure spinner1.InteractiveChange Thisform.LockScreen = .T. Local nReg, nValor,nDel Set Deleted Off Select Count(nPosx) As Conteo From cPuntos Where Deleted() Into Cursor cC nDel = cC.Conteo Use In Select('cC') Select cPuntos nReg=Reccount('cPuntos')-nDel nValor = This.Value If nReg >nValor Delete From cPuntos Where Recno()>nValor Else For nCiclo = 1 To Abs(nReg-nValor) Locate For Deleted('cPuntos') If Found() Recall Else Insert Into cPuntos (nPosx,nPosY) Values (1,20) Endif Endfor Endif Set Deleted On Copy To Array apuntos For !Deleted('cPuntos') Dimension Thisform.apuntos[Alen(apuntos,1),2] Acopy(apuntos,Thisform.apuntos) Thisform.Refresh Thisform.LockScreen = .F. Endproc Procedure grid1.AfterRowColChange Lparameters nColIndex DoDefault(nColIndex) Thisform.odibujar() Endproc EnddefineSaludos
Jorge Mota, Guatemala
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