Title: What's New in Visual FoxPro 8.0
Author: Tamar E. Granor and Doug Hennig
Edited by: Jim Slater
ISBN: 1-930919-40-9
Length: 255 pages
Printed book format: Paperback, 7"x9"
Ebook format: PDF
Price (U$S): $49.95
Weight: 2.0 lbs.
Press date: March, 2003
Tabla de contenidos
Chapter 1: Interactive Development Environment
Window Docking
Docking windows programmatically
Determining what’s docked
Better keyboard support
IntelliSense enhancements
Chapter 2: The Toolbox
Opening the Toolbox
Working with the Toolbox
Working with categories
Working with items
Adding items to the Toolbox
Setting item properties
Using items
Setting instance properties
Customizing the Toolbox
Configuring the Toolbox
Determining the behavior of class items
Filtering the Toolbox
Managing categories
Working with the source code
Chapter 3: Code References
Running the Code References tool
Searching for strings
Examining search results
The list of searches
The list of matches
The description pane
Replacing matches
Generating output
Looking for definitions
Code References Options
Code References data
Customizing Code References
The RefAddin table
Working with the source code
Replacing the supplied application
Running the Code References directly
Chapter 4: The Task Pane Manager
Running the Task Pane Manager
The Start pane
Start pane options
The Community pane
Community pane options
The Environment Manager pane
The Solution Samples pane
Solution Samples pane options
The XML Web Services pane
XML Web Services pane options
The Filer pane
The Minesweeper pane
Errors Happen
Customizing the Task Pane Manager
Working with the source code
Extending the Task Pane Manager
Adding third-party panes
Creating and modifying panes
Publishing panes
Panes and files
Chapter 5: Better Tools
A working Query/View Designer
Getting joins right
Two-way editing
Specifying local aliases and field names
Specifying expressions
Where do the results go?
Odds and ends
Improved reporting
Setting report options
More control over header and footer
Adding captions
Page x of y
Output issues
More data choices
More keyboard support
Improved Form Designer and Class Designer
Support for non-visual classes
Method editor changes
Property sheet improvements
Odds and ends
Moving menu items
Working with source code
Projects and source control
Distributing applications
Chapter 6: Improved Data Access
Cursor Adapter PEMs
DataSource Type
AllowDelete, AllowInsert, AllowUpdate, and SendUpdates
KeyFieldList, Tables, UpdateFieldList, and UpdateNameList
*Cmd, *CmdDataSource, *CmdDataSourceType
Other properties
CursorFill(IUseCursorSchema, INoData, nOptions, oSource)
CursorAttach(cAlias, IInheritCursorProperties) and CursorDetach()
Before*() and After*()
Putting CursorAdapter to work
DataEnvironment, Form, and other changes
Data source specifics
Using native data
Using ODBC
Using ADO
Using XML
Update Issue
Reusable data classes
Chapter 7: XML Classes XMLAdapter
Updategrams versus diffgrams
Tying it all together
XMLToCursor changes
Chapter 8: Other Data-Related Changes
Automatically incrementing field values
Improved Table Designer
SQL changes
Enhanced language elements
Caption expressions
Data objects
Better support for collate sequences
Odds and ends
OLE DB provider changes
ODBC changes
Detecting table corruption
Other changes
Chapter 9: OOP Enhancements
Defining member classes
New base classes
A built-in collection class
An ultra-lightweight base class
Adding and removing properties on the fly
Fewer errors with DoDefault
Delayed binding
Improved performance with objects
Support for Windows XP
Improved image support
Better tooltips and status information
Grid enhancements
Locking columns
Sizing columns to fit
A real row highlight
Other grid changes
Controlling picture position
Control tab orientation
Odds and ends
Keep output off of forms
Hyperlinks in controls
Combo box improvements
Button coloring
Refresh methods for static objects
More control over moverbar actions
One more mouse pointer
Chapter 10: COM and Web Services Enhancements
COM Enhancements
Default instancing for EXE servers
Type library improvements
Byte array support
Web services enhancements
Registering Web services
Exploring Web services
Using Web services
Publishing Web services
Chapter 11: Event Binding
Binding Events
Turning off event binding
Finding out what’s bound
Firing events
Using event binding
Chapter 12: Error Handling
Structured error handling
Less is more
You can’t go back
Try, try again
Exception object
The FINALLY clause
Errors within errors
Wrap your app
Other error-related changes
Chapter 13: Language Improvements Files and directories
Where is it?
Working with hidden files
Displaying paths
Using system dialogs
Improved management of text merge
Checking for empty values
Better output at design time and run time
Font control
Forcing event processing
SYS() function changes
Odds and Ends
Chapter 14: Bits and Pieces
What’s out
What’s in
Configuration changes
Improved error reporting
Other changes
Appendix: Setting up SQL Server 2000 XML Access
Para mas información acerca de este libro: http://www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/wnvfp8.htm
Nice to know new things in Visual Foxpro 8.0
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