by Andy Kramek, Marcia Akins & Rick Schummer
Title: MegaFox: 1002 Things You Wanted to Know About Extending Visual FoxPro
Author: Andy Kramek, Marcia Akins & Rick Schummer
Editor: Steve Dingle
ISBN: 1-930919-27-1
Length: 600 pages
Press date: June, 2002
Format: .PDF
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: KiloFox Revisited
Chapter 2: Data Driving with VFP
Chapter 3: Intellisense, inside and out
Chapter 4: Sending and receiving email
Chapter 5: Accessing the Internet
Chapter 6: Creating charts and graphs
Chapter 7: New and improved reporting
Chapter 8: Integrating PDF technology
Chapter 9: Using ActiveX controls
Chapter 10: Putting Windows to work
Chapter 11: Deployment
Chapter 12: VFP tool extensions and tips
Chapter 13: Working with remote data
Chapter 14: VFP and COM
Chapter 15: Desiging for extensibility
Chapter 16: VFP on the Web
Chapter 17: XML and ADO
Chapter 18: Testing
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