By Cathy Pountney. (Inglés)
Title: The Visual FoxPro Report Writer: Pushing it to the Limits and Beyond
Author: Cathy Pountney
Edited: Dave Aring
ISBN: 1-930919-25-5
Length: 300 pages
Press date: April, 2002
Ebook format: .PDF
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
* Wizards
* Parts of a report
* General information
* Toolbars
Chapter 2: The Report Wizard
* Starting the Report Wizard
* Creating a single-file report
* The rest of the Report Wizard
* The One-to-Many Report Wizard
Chapter 3: Learning the Basics
* Invoking the Report Designer
* Setting up the page
* The Report Designer environment
* Report bands
* Running the report
Chapter 4: The Data Source
* Normalized vs. Denormalized
* Private Data Session
* The Data Environment
* Real-world Data Environment issues
* The FoxPro 2.x Environment
Chapter 5: Report Objects
* Types of controls
* Using the Report Controls toolbar
* Common options
* Manipulating the controls
* More ways to add controls
Chapter 6: Adding Pizzazz to the Objects
* Layout
* Appearance
* Programming is an art
Chapter 7: Data Grouping
* Sorting it all out
* Creating a Data Group
* Nesting Data Groups
* Cool tricks with Data Groups
* There’s power in groups
Chapter 8: Report Variables
* Creating variables
* Using calculations
* Using Report Variables
* Understanding the process
* Mission impossible
Chapter 9: Running Reports
* Preview on the screen
* Which records?
* Miscellaneous clauses
* Special preview issues
* Special printing issues
* Distribution
* Debugging
* Run with it
Chapter 10: Solutions to Real-World Problems
* Using Print When expressions
* Using UDFs and Report Variables
* Building the right cursor
* Printing graphics
* Miscellaneous
Chapter 11: Hacking the FRX
* Where’s the report?
* Understanding the report table
* Let’s start hacking!
* A certified hacker
Chapter 12: Labels
* The first time
* The Label Wizard
* The Label Designer
* Special issues
* Wrapping up
Chapter 13: Beyond the VFP Report Writer
* Within Visual FoxPro
* Freeware utilities
* Commercial Report Writers
* PDF and Automation
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