Rutinas para obtener:
- Las IPs (todas de todas las LAN) de una máquina.
- Las direcciones MAC (de todas las LAN) de una máquina. (esta vez directamente desde VFP sin crear una FLL como publique anteriomente)
- Obtener un Global Unique IDentifier
CLEAR ? ? 'Enjoy it, by Alexandre Hedreville' ? ? 'MAC Address' ? '-----------' ? MACAddress() ? ? 'IP Address' ? '-----------' ? IPAddress() ? ? 'GUID' ? '-----------' ? GetGuid() *!* Windows Sockets #DEFINE WS_VERSION_REQD 257 #DEFINE WS_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #DEFINE WS_VERSION_MINOR 1 #DEFINE MIN_SOCKETS_REQD 1 #DEFINE SOCKET_ERROR -1 #DEFINE WSADESCRIPTION_LEN 256 #DEFINE WSASYS_STATUS_LEN 128 *!* Windows NetBIOS #DEFINE NCBENUM 55 #DEFINE NCBASTAT 51 #DEFINE NCBNAMSZ 16 #DEFINE HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY 8 #DEFINE HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS 4 #DEFINE NCBRESET 50 *!* Devuelve las direcciones MAC *!* Sintaxis: MACAddress() *!* Valor devuelto: lcRetVal *!* lcRetVal viene expresado como una cadena con el formato: 00-04-76-A4-73-3A, 00-04-76-A4-72-13, ... FUNCTION MACAddress LOCAL lcNBC, lcAdapter, lnAdapter, lcSource, lnSource, lcRetVal, lnLength, lnLEnum, lcLEnum *!* Instrucciones DECLARE DLL para manipular NetBIOS DECLARE INTEGER GetProcessHeap IN Win32API DECLARE INTEGER Netbios IN Netapi32.DLL STRING @lpNBC DECLARE INTEGER HeapFree IN Win32API INTEGER hHeap, INTEGER dwFlags, STRING @lpMem DECLARE INTEGER HeapAlloc IN Win32API INTEGER hHeap, INTEGER dwFlags, INTEGER dwBytes DECLARE INTEGER RtlMoveMemory IN Win32API STRING @lpDestination, INTEGER nSource, INTEGER nBytes *!* Valores lcRetVal = '' lcNBC = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 64) lcLEnum = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 256) lcAdapter = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 600) *!* Reservar buffer memoria lnLEnum = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), BITOR(HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY), 256) IF lnLEnum <> 0 *!* Valores lcNBC = CHR(NCBENUM) + REPLICATE(CHR(0), 3) + LongToStr(lnLEnum) + ; IntToStr(256) + SUBSTR(lcNBC, 11, 544) *!* Enum LAN´s IF Netbios(@lcNBC) = 0 *!* Leer buffer memoria lnSource = lnLEnum RtlMoveMemory(@lcLEnum, lnSource, 256) *!* Valores lnLength = ASC(SUBSTR(lcLEnum, 1, 1)) *!* Examinar LAN`s FOR lnCnt = 1 TO lnLength *!* Valores lcAdapter = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 600) lcNBC = CHR(NCBRESET) + REPLICATE(CHR(0), 47) + ; SUBSTR(lcLEnum, lnCnt+1, 1) + REPLICATE(CHR(0), 15) *!* Reset LAN IF Netbios(@lcNBC) = 0 *!* Reservar buffer memoria lnAdapter = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), ; BITOR(HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY), 600) IF lnAdapter <> 0 *!* Valores lcNBC = CHR(NCBASTAT) + REPLICATE(CHR(0), 3) + LongToStr(lnAdapter) + ; IntToStr(600) + '* ' + REPLICATE(CHR(0), 22) + ; SUBSTR(lcLEnum, lnCnt+1, 1) + REPLICATE(CHR(0), 15) *!* Status LAN IF Netbios(@lcNBC) = 0 *!* Leer buffer memoria lnSource = lnAdapter RtlMoveMemory(@lcAdapter, lnSource, 600) *!* Componer cadena MAC con guiones y separar multiples MAC`s con comas lcRetVal = lcRetVal + RIGHT(DecToHex(ASC(SUBSTR(lcAdapter, 1, 1))), 2) + ; '-' + RIGHT(DecToHex(ASC(SUBSTR(lcAdapter, 2, 1))), 2) + ; '-' + RIGHT(DecToHex(ASC(SUBSTR(lcAdapter, 3, 1))), 2) + ; '-' + RIGHT(DecToHex(ASC(SUBSTR(lcAdapter, 4, 1))), 2) + ; '-' + RIGHT(DecToHex(ASC(SUBSTR(lcAdapter, 5, 1))), 2) + ; '-' + RIGHT(DecToHex(ASC(SUBSTR(lcAdapter, 6, 1))), 2) + ; IIF(lnCnt = lnLength, '', ',') ENDIF *!* Liberar buffer memoria lcSource = LongToStr(lnAdapter) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, @lcSource) ENDIF ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF *!* Liberar buffer memoria lcSource = LongToStr(lnLEnum) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, @lcSource) ENDIF *!* Retorno RETURN lcRetVal ENDFUNC
*!* Devuelve las direcciones IP *!* Sintaxis: IPAddress() *!* Valor devuelto: lcRetVal *!* lcRetVal viene expresado como una cadena con el formato:,, ... FUNCTION IPAddress LOCAL lnCnt, lpWSAData, lpWSHostEnt, lpHostName, lcRetVal, lpHostIp_Addr, ; lpHostEnt_Addr, lnHostEnt_Lenght, lnHostEnt_AddrList *!* Instrucciones DECLARE DLL para manipular Windows Sockets DECLARE INTEGER WSAGetLastError IN WSock32.DLL DECLARE INTEGER WSAStartup IN WSock32.DLL INTEGER wVersionRequested , STRING @lpWSAData DECLARE INTEGER WSACleanup IN WSock32.DLL DECLARE INTEGER gethostname IN WSock32.DLL STRING @lpHostName, INTEGER iHostNameLenght DECLARE INTEGER gethostbyname IN WSock32.DLL STRING lpHostName DECLARE RtlMoveMemory IN Win32API STRING @lpDest, INTEGER nSource, INTEGER nBytes *!* Valores lcRetVal = '' lpHostName = SPACE(256) lnHostEnt_Addr = 0 lnHostEnt_Lenght = 0 lnHostEnt_AddrList = 0 lnHostIp_Addr = 0 lpTempIp_Addr = CHR(0) lpHostIp_Addr = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 4) lpWSHostEnt = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 4 +4 +2 +2 +4) lpWSAData = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 2 +2 + ; WSADESCRIPTION_LEN +1 +WSASYS_STATUS_LEN +1 +2 +2 +4) *!* Iniciar Windows Sockets IF WSAStartup(WS_VERSION_REQD, @lpWSAData) = 0 *!* Valores lnVersion = StrToInt(SUBSTR(lpWSAData, 1, 2)) lnMaxSockets = StrToInt(SUBSTR(lpWSAData, 391, 2)) *!* Determinar si Windows Sockets responde IF gethostname(@lpHostName, 256) <> SOCKET_ERROR *!* Valores lpHostName = ALLTRIM(lpHostName) lnHostEnt_Addr = gethostbyname(lpHostName) *!* Determinar si Windows Sockets no dio error IF lnHostEnt_Addr <> 0 *!* Mover bloques de memoria RtlMoveMemory(@lpWSHostEnt, lnHostEnt_Addr, 16) *!* Valores lnHostEnt_AddrList = StrToLong(SUBSTR(lpWSHostEnt, 13, 4)) lnHostEnt_Lenght = StrToInt(SUBSTR(lpWSHostEnt, 11, 2)) *!* Obtener todas las direcciones IP de la máquina DO WHILE .T. *!* Mover bloques de memoria RtlMoveMemory(@lpHostIp_Addr, lnHostEnt_AddrList, 4) *!* Valores lnHostIp_Addr = StrToLong(lpHostIp_Addr) *!* No hay o no quedan más direcciones validas IF lnHostIp_Addr = 0 EXIT ELSE *!* Separar multiples IP`s con comas lcRetVal = lcRetVal + IIF(EMPTY(lcRetVal), '', ',') ENDIF lpTempIp_Addr = REPLICATE(CHR(0), lnHostEnt_Lenght) *!* Mover bloques de memoria RtlMoveMemory(@lpTempIp_Addr, lnHostIp_Addr, lnHostEnt_Lenght) *!* Componer cadena IP con puntos FOR lnCnt = 1 TO lnHostEnt_Lenght lcRetVal = lcRetVal + TRANSFORM(ASC(SUBSTR(lpTempIp_Addr, lnCnt, 1))) + ; IIF(lnCnt = lnHostEnt_Lenght, '', '.') ENDFOR *!* Continuar con la siguiente direccion lnHostEnt_AddrList = lnHostEnt_AddrList + 4 ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF *!* Parar Windows Sockets IF WSACleanup() <> 0 lcRetVal = '' ENDIF *!* Retorno RETURN lcRetVal ENDFUNC
*!* Obtiene un GUID en formato {nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn} *!* Sintaxis: GetGuid() *!* Valor devuelto: lcGuid FUNCTION GetGuid LOCAL lnCnt, lcGuid, lcData1, lcData2, lcData3, lcData4, lcData5 *!* Instrucciones DECLARE DLL para manipular obtener un GUID DECLARE INTEGER CoCreateGuid IN Ole32.DLL STRING @lpGuid *!* Valores lnCnt = 0 lcGuid = '' lcData1 = '' lcData2 = '' lcData3 = '' lcData4 = '' lcData5 = '' lpGuid = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 17) *!* Obtener el GUID IF CoCreateGuid(@lpGuid) = 0 *!* Valores lcData1 = RIGHT(TRANSFORM(StrToLong(LEFT(lpGuid, 4)), '@0'), 8) && Los 8 primeros digitos lcData2 = RIGHT(TRANSFORM(StrToLong(SUBSTR(lpGuid, 5, 2)), '@0'), 4) && Los 4 segundos digitos lcData3 = RIGHT(TRANSFORM(StrToLong(SUBSTR(lpGuid, 7, 2)), '@0'), 4) && Los 4 terceros digitos lcData4 = RIGHT(TRANSFORM(StrToLong(SUBSTR(lpGuid, 9, 1)), '@0'), 2) + ; RIGHT(TRANSFORM(StrToLong(SUBSTR(lpGuid, 10, 1)), '@0'), 2) && Los 4 cuartos digitos lcData5 = '' *!* Los 12 digitos finales FOR lnCnt = 1 TO 6 lcData5 = lcData5 + RIGHT(TRANSFORM(StrToLong(SUBSTR(lpGuid, 10 + lnCnt, 1))), 2) ENDFOR *!* Verifica la longitud de los 12 digitos finales. Si son menores de 12 es que el resto son 0 IF LEN(lcData5) < 12 lcData5 = lcData5 + REPLICATE('0', 12 - LEN(lcData5)) ENDIF *!* Valores lcGuid = '{' + lcData1 + '-' + lcData2 + '-' + lcData3 + '-' + lcData4 + '-' + lcData5 + '}' ENDIF *!* Retorno RETURN lcGuid ENDFUNC
******************************************************************************** ** Libreria de funciones de conversion de tipo ** ******************************************************************************** *!* Convierte un long integer a un 4-byte character string *!* Sintaxis: LongToStr(tnLongVal) *!* Valor devuelto: lcRetStr *!* Argumentos: tnLongVal *!* lnLongVal especifica el long integer a convertir FUNCTION LongToStr LPARAMETERS tnLongVal LOCAL lnCnt, lcRetStr, lnLongVal *!* Valores lcRetStr = '' lnLongVal = IIF(EMPTY(tnLongVal), 0, tnLongVal) *!* Convertir FOR lnCnt = 24 TO 0 STEP -8 lcRetStr = CHR(INT(lnLongVal/(2^lnCnt))) + lcRetStr lnLongVal = MOD(lnLongVal, (2^lnCnt)) NEXT *!* Retorno RETURN lcRetStr ENDFUNC *!* Convierte un 4-byte character string a un long integer *!* Sintaxis: StrToLong(tcLongStr) *!* Valor devuelto: lnRetval *!* Argumentos: tcLongStr *!* tcLongStr especifica el 4-byte character string a convertir FUNCTION StrToLong LPARAMETERS tcLongStr LOCAL lnCnt, lnRetVal, lcLongStr *!* Valores lnRetVal = 0 lcLongStr = IIF(EMPTY(tcLongStr), '', tcLongStr) *!* Convertir FOR lnCnt = 0 TO 24 STEP 8 lnRetVal = lnRetVal + (ASC(lcLongStr) * (2^lnCnt)) lcLongStr = RIGHT(lcLongStr, LEN(lcLongStr) - 1) NEXT *!* Retorno RETURN lnRetVal ENDFUNC *!* Convierte un integer a un 2-byte character string *!* Sintaxis: IntToStr(tnIntVal) *!* Valor devuelto: lcRetStr *!* Argumentos: tnIntVal *!* lnIntVal especifica el integer a convertir FUNCTION IntToStr LPARAMETERS tnIntVal LOCAL lnCnt, lcRetStr, lnIntVal *!* Valores lcRetStr = '' lnIntVal = IIF(EMPTY(tnIntVal), 0, tnIntVal) *!* Convertir FOR lnCnt = 8 TO 0 STEP -8 lcRetStr = CHR(INT(lnIntVal/(2^lnCnt))) + lcRetStr lnIntVal = MOD(lnIntVal, (2^lnCnt)) NEXT *!* Retorno RETURN lcRetStr ENDFUNC *!* Convierte un 2-byte character string a un integer *!* Sintaxis: StrToInt(tcIntStr) *!* Valor devuelto: lnRetval *!* Argumentos: tcIntStr *!* tcIntStr especifica el 2-byte character string a convertir FUNCTION StrToInt LPARAMETERS tcIntStr LOCAL lnCnt, lnRetVal, lcIntStr *!* Valores lnRetVal = 0 lcIntStr = IIF(EMPTY(tcIntStr), '', tcIntStr) *!* Convertir FOR lnCnt = 0 TO 8 STEP 8 lnRetVal = lnRetVal + (ASC(lcIntStr) * (2^lnCnt)) lcIntStr = RIGHT(lcIntStr, LEN(lcIntStr) - 1) NEXT *!* Retorno RETURN lnRetVal ENDFUNC *!* Convierte un numero decimal a una hex character string *!* Sintaxis: DecToHex(tnDecNumber) *!* Valor devuelto: lcHexNumber *!* Argumentos: tnDecNumber *!* tnDecNumber especifica el numero decimal a convertir FUNCTION DecToHex LPARAMETERS tnDecNumber LOCAL lnLength, lnTempHex, lcHexNumber, lnDecNumber *!* Valores lcHexNumber = '' lnDecNumber = IIF(EMPTY(tnDecNumber), 0, tnDecNumber) *!* Convertir DO CASE CASE lnDecNumber = 0 lcHexNumber = '0x00000000' CASE lnDecNumber > 0 lcHexNumber = TRANSFORM(lnDecNumber, '@0') OTHERWISE lcHexNumber = TRANSFORM(ABS(lnDecNumber), '@0') lnLength = IIF(SUBSTR(lcHexNumber, 3, 1) = ; '0', LEN(SUBSTR(lcHexNumber, NotAt('0', lcHexNumber, 2))), ; LEN(TRANSFORM(ABS(lnDecNumber), '@0')) - 2) lnTempHex = 0xFFFFFFFF lcHexNumber = TRANSFORM(lnTempHex - ABS(lnDecNumber) + 1, '@0') ENDCASE *!* Retorno RETURN lcHexNumber ENDFUNC
Alexandre Hedreville
Muy buen aporte... probaré a ver si funcionan... saludos
ResponderBorrarExcelente aporte!!! Funciona perfecto... Gracias!!
ResponderBorrarSi funciona, es el único que entendió lo que se quiere cuando se necesita la IP de un equipo en la red.
ResponderBorrarSi funciona pero da un error de compilación dice que falta o desconocido NotAt, se encuentra en la función DecToHex copio la instrucción, yq que desconozco si se trata de una función que falta
ResponderBorrar"lnLength = IIF(SUBSTR(lcHexNumber, 3, 1) = ;
'0', LEN(SUBSTR(lcHexNumber, NotAt('0', lcHexNumber, 2))), ;
LEN(TRANSFORM(ABS(lnDecNumber), '@0')) - 2)"
Espero información gracias
Un error de tipéo.
BorrarEs cuestión de separar la instrucción.
Not At(...
que buen aporte... muchas gracias Alejandro.