28 de abril de 2008

Bar codes on Visual FoxPro reports

Traducción al inglés de Ricardo Aráoz, del artículo "Códigos de barras en informes de Visual FoxPro" publicado en español en PortalFox, para la comunidad de habla inglesa.

Bar codes on Visual FoxPro reports

NEW: Download freely the new FoxBarcode class to generate barcodes from Visual FoxPro, by clicking the following link: http://sites.google.com/site/foxbarcode


This document describes the way to add bar codes to VFP reports using True Type fonts. The bar codes with which we'll deal here are :
  • Code 39
  • Code 128
  • EAN-13
  • EAN-8
  • Interleaved 2 of 5
In order to accomplish this we'll need, besides the True Type fonts, user defined VFP functions which will codify the input text into the proper format for each code and font. The True Type fonts and the functions can be downloaded from further down in this page.

At the bottom of this page you'll find examples on how to use these functions, a results sample from VFP reports, and notes for it's best usage. A VFP example with two reports may also be downloaded.


We will briefly describe each possible code in order to help you choose the best fit for the app we will be deploying.


This is a variable length code, whose top length is given by the available printing space and the bar code reader we'll be using.

The character set of code 39 includes 43 characters : digits 0-9, letters A-Z (only upper case), space, and the following symbols: - + . / *. The "*" must be at the beginning and end of the code, so it shouldn't be used in an input text.

Each character is compose of 5 bars and 4 spaces, 3 of these 9 elements are wide (from there the name "3 of 9") and 6 thin elements.

Code 39 is composed of :
Start + InputText + End 

CODE 128

This is also a variable length code, and shorter than code 39.

Code 128 includes digits 0-9, letters A-Z (upper and lower case), and all standard ASCII characters (for a total of 128 characters, that's where the name comes from).

Code 128 is divided in three sub-sets A, B and C.
  • A includes: digits, upper case letters, and control codes.
  • B includes: digits, upper and lower case letters, and control codes.
  • C includes: only digits and compresses two digits into each character giving an excellent density.
This code has a control digit that offers more safety. This digit must be as follows:
* initial digit for subset A = 203
* initial digit for subset B = 204
* initial digit for subset C = 205
* final digit for all subsets = 206
sum = initial digit
for each inputCharacter
  sum = sum + (valueOfInputCharacter * position)
  CheckDigit = sum % 103
Code 128 is composed of :
Start + InputText + CheckDigit + End 

EAN-13 AND EAN-8 (European Article Numbering)

EAN-13 is used world wide for retail sales. It is of fixed length (13 characters). EAN-8 is a shortened version of EAN-13 which includes only 8 characers.

These codes are assigned and controlled by EAN International (http://www.ean.be) and authorized entities in every country.

In EAN-13, the first 6 digits stand for the country and company, the next 6 digits stand for the product, and the last digit is a control digit. Besides the country, the first two or three digits may stand for: books (ISBN), newspapers (ISSN), internal use, etc.

In EAN-8, the first 4 digits stand for the country and company, the next 3 digits stand for the product, and the last one is a control digit.

The control digit's algorithm is :
Sum = 0
for each InputDigit (12 or 7 digits)
  CorrectionValue = 1 if the digit's position is odd
                    3 if the digit's position is even
  Sum = Sum + ValueOfInputDigit * CorrectionValue
  CheckDigit = 10 - (Sum % 10)
  If CheckDigit = 10
    CheckDigit = 0
EAN codes are composed of :
CountryCode + CompanyCode + ProductCode + CheckDigit


This is a variable length code, just like Code 39 and 128.

Interleaved 2 of 5 only includes digits 0-9 and fits two digits per character, giving a very good density. All Interleaved 2 of 5 codes have an even number of digits.

Every couple of digits is codified in a character composed by 5 bars and 5 spaces, 2 out of 5 bars are wide, hence the name "2 of 5".

This code has check digit by the following algorithm:
Sum = 0
for each InputDigit
  CorrectionValue = 1 if the digit's position is odd
                    3 if the digit's position is even
  Sum = Sum + ValueOfInputDigit * CorrectionValue
  CheckDigit = 10 - (Sum % 10)
  If CheckDigit = 10
    CheckDigit = 0
Interleaved 2 of 5 is composed of:
Start + InputText + CheckDigit + End


The true type fonts used in these examples are freeware files and work perfectly with the VFP functions included below.

The fonts used here may be downloaded from: fuentes.zip (30.9 Kb)

For better printing and readability of the codes our advise is to use the following font sizes:

True Type FontFileSize
PF Barcode 39PF_C39.ttf20 ó 22
PF Barcode 128PF_C128.ttf22, 24, 26 ó 28
PF EAN P36PF_EAN_P36.ttf36
PF EAN P72PF_EAN_P72.ttf72
PF Interleaved 2 of 5PF_I2OF5.ttf36 ó 48
PF Interleaved 2 of 5 WidePF_I2OF5_W.ttf28 ó 36
PF Interleavev 2 of 5 TextPF_I2OF5_Text.ttf28 ó 36


See below the VFP functions that transform an input text to the selected bar code.

These functions may be downloaded from: funcion.zip (2.2 Kb)
* FUNCTION _StrTo39(tcString) * CODIGO 39
* Converts a string to be printed with
* True Type Font "PF Barcode 39"
* USE: _StrTo39('Codigo 39')
* RETURNS: Character
FUNCTION _StrTo39(tcString)
  LOCAL lcRet
  lcRet = '*' + tcString + '*'
  RETURN lcRet
* FUNCTION _StrTo128A(tcString) * CODIGO 128A
* Converts a string for printing with
* True Type Font "PF Barcode 128"
* Numerics and alphabetic (only upper case)
* If a character is not valid it is replaced by a space
* USE: _StrTo128A('CODIGO 128 A')
* RETURNS: Character
FUNCTION _StrTo128A(tcString)
  LOCAL lcStart, lcStop, lcRet, lcCheck, ;
    lnLong, lnI, lnCheckSum, lnAsc
  lcStart = CHR(103 + 32)
  lcStop = CHR(106 + 32)
  lnCheckSum = ASC(lcStart) - 32
  lcRet = tcString
  lnLong = LEN(lcRet)
  FOR lnI = 1 TO lnLong
    lnAsc = ASC(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) - 32
    IF NOT BETWEEN(lnAsc,0,64)
      lcRet = STUFF(lcRet,lnI,1,CHR(32))
      lnAsc = ASC(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) - 32
    lnCheckSum = lnCheckSum + (lnAsc * lnI)
  lcCheck = CHR(MOD(lnCheckSum,103) + 32)
  lcRet = lcStart + lcRet + lcCheck + lcStop
  *--- This changes spaces and invalid characters
  lcRet = STRTRAN(lcRet,CHR(32),CHR(232))
  lcRet = STRTRAN(lcRet,CHR(127),CHR(192))
  lcRet = STRTRAN(lcRet,CHR(128),CHR(193))
  RETURN lcRet
* FUNCTION _StrTo128B(tcString) * CODIGO 128B
* Converts a string to be printed with
* True Type Font "PF Barcode 128"
* Numerics and alphabetic (upper and lower case)
* If a character is not valid it is replaced by a space
* USE: _StrTo128B('Codigo 128 B')
* RETURNS: Character
FUNCTION _StrTo128B(tcString)
  LOCAL lcStart, lcStop, lcRet, lcCheck, ;
    lnLong, lnI, lnCheckSum, lnAsc
  lcStart = CHR(104 + 32)
  lcStop = CHR(106 + 32)
  lnCheckSum = ASC(lcStart) - 32
  lcRet = tcString
  lnLong = LEN(lcRet)
  FOR lnI = 1 TO lnLong
    lnAsc = ASC(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) - 32
    IF NOT BETWEEN(lnAsc,0,99)
      lcRet = STUFF(lcRet,lnI,1,CHR(32))
      lnAsc = ASC(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) - 32
    lnCheckSum = lnCheckSum + (lnAsc * lnI)
  lcCheck = CHR(MOD(lnCheckSum,103) + 32)
  lcRet = lcStart + lcRet + lcCheck + lcStop
  *--- This changes spaces and invalid characters
  lcRet = STRTRAN(lcRet,CHR(32),CHR(232))
  lcRet = STRTRAN(lcRet,CHR(127),CHR(192))
  lcRet = STRTRAN(lcRet,CHR(128),CHR(193))
  RETURN lcRet
* FUNCTION _StrTo128C(tcString) * CODIGO 128C
* Converts a string to be printed with
* True Type Font "PF Barcode 128"
* Only numeric characters
* USE: _StrTo128C('1234567890')
* RETURNS: Character
FUNCTION _StrTo128C(tcString)
  LOCAL lcStart, lcStop, lcRet, lcCheck, lcCar, ;
    lnLong, lnI, lnCheckSum, lnAsc  
  lcStart = CHR(105 + 32)
  lcStop = CHR(106 + 32)
  lnCheckSum = ASC(lcStart) - 32
  lcRet = ALLTRIM(tcString)
  lnLong = LEN(lcRet)
  *--- La longitud debe ser par
  IF MOD(lnLong,2) # 0
    lcRet = '0' + lcRet
    lnLong = LEN(lcRet)
  *--- Convert couple of digits to character
  lcCar = ''
  FOR lnI = 1 TO lnLong STEP 2
    lcCar = lcCar + CHR(VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,2)) + 32)
  lcRet = lcCar
  lnLong = LEN(lcRet)
  FOR lnI = 1 TO lnLong
    lnAsc = ASC(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) - 32
    lnCheckSum = lnCheckSum + (lnAsc * lnI)
  lcCheck = CHR(MOD(lnCheckSum,103) + 32)
  lcRet = lcStart + lcRet + lcCheck + lcStop
  *--- This changes spaces and invalid chara
  FOR lnI = 1 TO lnLong STEP 2
    lcCar = lcCar + CHR(VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,2)) + 32)
  lcRet = lcCar
  lnLong = LEN(lcRet)
  FOR lnI = 1 TO lnLong
    lnAsc = ASC(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) - 32
    lnCheckSum = lnCheckSum + (lnAsc * lnI)
  lcCheck = CHR(MOD(lnCheckSum,103) + 32)
  lcRet = lcStart + lcRet + lcCheck + lcStop
  *--- This changes spaces and invalid characters
  lcRet = STRTRAN(lcRet,CHR(32),CHR(232))
  lcRet = STRTRAN(lcRet,CHR(127),CHR(192))
  lcRet = STRTRAN(lcRet,CHR(128),CHR(193))
  RETURN lcRet
* FUNCTION _StrToEan13(tcString,.T.) * CODIGO EAN-13
* Converts a string to be printed with
* True Type Font "PF EAN P36" or "PF EAN P72"
*   tcString: 12 dígit string (0..9)
*   tlCheckD: .T. Only generates check digit
*             .F. Generates check digit and characters to be printed
* USE: _StrToEan13('123456789012')
* RETURNS: Character
FUNCTION _StrToEan13(tcString,tlCheckD)
  LOCAL lcLat, lcMed, lcRet, lcJuego, ;
    lcIni, lcResto, lcCod, lnI, ;
    lnCheckSum, lnAux, laJuego(10), lnPri
  lcRet = ALLTRIM(tcString)
  IF LEN(lcRet) # 12
    *--- Error en parámetro
    *--- debe tener un largo = 12
    RETURN ''
  *--- Generate Check digit
  lnCheckSum = 0
  FOR lnI = 1 TO 12
    IF MOD(lnI,2) = 0
      lnCheckSum = lnCheckSum + VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) * 3
      lnCheckSum = lnCheckSum + VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) * 1
  lnAux = MOD(lnCheckSum,10)
  lcRet = lcRet + ALLTRIM(STR(IIF(lnAux = 0,0,10-lnAux)))
  IF tlCheckD
    *--- If I only generate a check digit
    RETURN lcRet
  *--- To print with True Type Font PF_EAN_PXX
  *--- 1st. dígit (lnPri)
  lnPri = VAL(LEFT(lcRet,1))
  *--- Character code table
  *--- according to 'lnPri' (¡DO NOT TOUCH!)
  laJuego(1) = 'AAAAAACCCCCC' && 0
  laJuego(2) = 'AABABBCCCCCC' && 1
  laJuego(3) = 'AABBABCCCCCC' && 2
  laJuego(4) = 'AABBBACCCCCC' && 3
  laJuego(5) = 'ABAABBCCCCCC' && 4
  laJuego(6) = 'ABBAABCCCCCC' && 5
  laJuego(7) = 'ABBBAACCCCCC' && 6
  laJuego(8) = 'ABABABCCCCCC' && 7
  laJuego(9) = 'ABABBACCCCCC' && 8
  laJuego(10) = 'ABBABACCCCCC' && 9
  *--- Initial character (outside the code)
  lcIni = CHR(lnPri + 35)
  *--- Lateral and central characters
  lcLat = CHR(33)
  lcMed = CHR(45)
  *--- Rest of the characters
  lcResto = SUBS(lcRet,2,12)
  FOR lnI = 1 TO 12
    lcJuego = SUBS(laJuego(lnPri + 1),lnI,1)
      CASE lcJuego = 'A'
        lcResto = STUFF(lcResto,lnI,1,CHR(VAL(SUBS(lcResto,lnI,1)) + 48))
      CASE lcJuego = 'B'
        lcResto = STUFF(lcResto,lnI,1,CHR(VAL(SUBS(lcResto,lnI,1)) + 65))
      CASE lcJuego = 'C'
        lcResto = STUFF(lcResto,lnI,1,CHR(VAL(SUBS(lcResto,lnI,1)) + 97))
  *--- Compose code
  lcCod = lcIni + lcLat + SUBS(lcResto,1,6) + lcMed + ;
    SUBS(lcResto,7,6) + lcLat
  RETURN lcCod
* FUNCTION _StrToEan8(tcString,.T.) * CODIGO EAN-8
* Converts a string to be printed with
* True Type Font "PF EAN P36" ó "PF EAN P72"
*   tcString: 7 digit string (0..9)
*   tlCheckD: .T. Only generates check digit
*             .F. Generates check digit and characters to be printed
* USE: _StrToEan8('1234567')
* RETURNS: Character
FUNCTION _StrToEan8(tcString,tlCheckD)
  LOCAL lcLat, lcMed, lcRet, ;
    lcIni, lcCod, lnI, ;
    lnCheckSum, lnAux
  lcRet = ALLTRIM(tcString)
  IF LEN(lcRet) # 7
    *--- Parameter error
    *--- must have length = 7
    RETURN ''
  *--- Generate check digit
  lnCheckSum = 0
  FOR lnI = 1 TO 7
    IF MOD(lnI,2) = 0
      lnCheckSum = lnCheckSum + VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) * 1
      lnCheckSum = lnCheckSum + VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) * 3
  lnAux = MOD(lnCheckSum,10)
  lcRet = lcRet + ALLTRIM(STR(IIF(lnAux = 0,0,10-lnAux)))
  IF tlCheckD
    *--- If I only generate check digit
    RETURN lcRet
  *--- To print with True Type Font PF_EAN_PXX
  *--- Lateral and central characters
  lcLat = CHR(33)
  lcMed = CHR(45)
  *--- Characters
  FOR lnI = 1 TO 8
    IF lnI <= 4
      lcRet = STUFF(lcRet,lnI,1,CHR(VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) + 48))
      lcRet = STUFF(lcRet,lnI,1,CHR(VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,1)) + 97))
  *--- Compose code
  lcCod = lcLat + SUBS(lcRet,1,4) + lcMed + SUBS(lcRet,5,4) + lcLat
  RETURN lcCod
* FUNCTION _StrToI2of5(tcString) * INTERLEAVED 2 OF 5
* Converts a string to be printed with
*   True Type Font "PF Interleaved 2 of 5"
*   or "PF Interleaved 2 of 5 Wide"
*   or "PF Interleaved 2 of 5 Text"
*   Only numeric characters
* USE: _StrToI2of5('1234567890')
* RETURNS: Character
FUNCTION _StrToI2of5(tcString)
  LOCAL lcStart, lcStop, lcRet, lcCheck, ;
    lcCar, lnLong, lnI, lnSum, lnAux
  lcStart = CHR(40)
  lcStop = CHR(41)
  lcRet = ALLTRIM(tcString)
  *--- Generate check digit
  lnLong = LEN(lcRet)
  lnSum = 0
  lnCount = 1
  FOR lnI = lnLong TO 1 STEP -1
    lnSum = lnSum + VAL(SUBSTR(lcRet,lnI,1)) * ;
      IIF(MOD(lnCount,2) = 0,1,3)
    lnCount = lnCount + 1
  lnAux = MOD(lnSum,10)
  lcRet = lcRet + ALLTRIM(STR(IIF(lnAux = 0,0,10 - lnAux)))
  lnLong = LEN(lcRet)
  *--- Length must be even
  IF MOD(lnLong,2) # 0
    lcRet = '0' + lcRet
    lnLong = LEN(lcRet)
  *--- Convert a couple of digits to character
  lcCar = ''
  FOR lnI = 1 TO lnLong STEP 2
    IF VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,2)) < 50
      lcCar = lcCar + CHR(VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,2)) + 48)
      lcCar = lcCar + CHR(VAL(SUBS(lcRet,lnI,2)) + 142)
  *--- Compose code
  lcRet = lcStart + lcCar + lcStop
  RETURN lcRet


These are some examples on how to use the conversion functions. All functions have the text to be codified as a CHARACTER parameter.

Example 1: To convert text "This is an example" to Code 128 B:
lcTexto = "This is an example"
lcCodBar = _StrTo128B(lcTexto)
? lcCodBar FONT "PF Barcode 128",36 
Example 2: To convert number 12345678 to Code 128 C (this code only takes even length numbers, if length is odd then it adds a "0" to the left of the number):
lcTexto = "12345678"
lcCodBar = _StrTo128C(lcTexto)
? lcCodBar FONT "PF Barcode 128",36
Example 3: To convert country Argentina ("779"), the company "1234" and the product "01234" to EAN-13 (I can only use 12 characters, the thirteenth character is the check code added by the function):
lcTexto = "779123401234"
lcCodBar = _StrToEAN13(lcTexto)
? lcCodBar FONT "PF EAN P72",72
Example 4: To code number 123456789 to Interleaved 2 of 5 (this code only takes even length numbers, if length is odd then it adds a "0" to the left of the number) with the three true type fonts:
lcTexto = "123456789"
lcCodBar = _StrToI2of5(lcTexto)
*-- I 2of5 Normal
? lcCodBar FONT "PF Interleaved 2 of 5",36
*-- I 2of5 Wide
? lcCodBar FONT "PF Interleaved 2 of 5 Wide",36
*-- I 2of5 Human Readable
? lcCodBar FONT "PF Interleavev 2 of 5 Text",36 
To use these codes in VFP reports, you must format the field with the chosen True Type font, and in the expression you must call the corresponding function passing as parameter the text to be codified.

To codify and show field MiCodigo from table MiTabla in a report field, in the field dialog window, we must input in expression:
Another way is to create a cursor through a SELECT with a field with the data already formatted and generate the report from the cursor:
  _StrTo39(MiTabla.MiCampo) as CodBar ;
  FROM MiTabla ;


These graphics where generated using the functions and fonts in this document, in VFP reports:

Código 39

Codigo 128 A

Código 128 B

Código 128 C

Código EAN 13

Código EAN 8

Código I 2de5 (ancho)

Código Interleaved 2de5

Código I 2de5 (lectura humana)


Once generated the bar code reports it is convenient to print them in laser printers due to their excellent definition, given this there'll be no problems with the reading of the bar codes.
With bubble jet printers, results are not optimum and maybe some bar code readers wont be able to read the code in the first scan.

These codes may also be placed in VFP forms, but only for visualizing, as no bar code reader will be able to read them from the monitor.

In order to use these functions in FoxPro for Windows, you will have to modify some commands that are not supported by FPW.

Up to the next time!

Luis María Guayán

4 comentarios :

  1. Hay algo que pueda hacer para que este ejemplo de código de barras de visual fox funcione en Windows 10, ya que solo logra imprimir el código pero el lector no puede leerlo, en cambio genero el mismo código desde Windows Xp y si funciona.

  2. Hay algo que pueda hacer para que este ejemplo de código de barras de visual fox funcione en Windows 10, ya que solo logra imprimir el código pero el lector no puede leerlo, en cambio genero el mismo código desde Windows Xp y si funciona.

  3. El digito verificador me queda vacio y por la tanto no se puede leer, como podria solucionarlo ? Saludos

    1. Cual tipo de codigo de barras estas utilizando? Has cambiado alguna función?

      De todas formas te recomiendo que utilices FoxBarcode


Los comentarios son moderados, por lo que pueden demorar varias horas para su publicación.